What is a Micromarket?
Imagine a tiny convenience store without a sales clerk right in the office break room. It works with the autonomy of a vending machine but relies on the trust of the employees that utilize the micromarket.
Snacks and drinks are usually placed on shelves or bins that are unlocked. When a decision is made, the snack can then be purchased by scanning the item at a near by check out system.
Benefits of a Micromarket
So why is this better than a conventional vending machine? Accessibility/Convenience. Many people can think back to a time when all they wanted was a snack and had their time and money wasted when it inevitably got stuck in the dim lit vending machine. Micromarkets have an “open-concept” meaning they are self operated. Not to mention, it an easier transaction process. They are web-based where the user scans, checks-out and swipes their card, just like at a grocery store.
Modern Approach to Vending
With a more practical and modern approach, micromarkets are viewed as a novel experience. Rather than just providing food and snacks, they are seen as a benefit and are highly valued that might actually attract quality talent to businesses.
Another benefit is variety. With the addition of a micromarket, office complexes never have to worry about being in a food desert again. They allow for a greater assortment of fresh food such as sandwiches and salads. A typical vending machine carries 35-45 different products where a micro market can display over 200.